Recovery and me Every day Every second, minute, hour Never quite sure what life has in store today Never sure what shit may be thrown our way Our past’s act as our guide We have learned when we need to either stand up or hide Our thoughts our memories take a hold Playing a toying with us Sometimes losing control We are all creatures of habit But habits can be changed Exploring the old beliefs and values The same that bind us The same that keep us in chains Our past has brought us here Every memory… Every thought… Every fear… But what if we were wrong? Imagine that? What if we could be the person we truly aspire to be? To have the courage to stand tall Let go of the shame Have the courage to start over again? Be brave be bold Don’t let those old thoughts and feelings take a hold Take a risk Try something new Chip away at those chains To find the real you We all have choices What will be yours? You can stay the same Or You can make the most of what you have got But remember, be warned You only get one shot #Shithappens But we are all winners There’s no second or third place So get in position and get ready to race
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