Life after caring – The void


Writing is my therapy, it’s my escape, a place to think, without interruption. Particularly lately what with the incessant negative news and views about society, COVID, BLM the economy, sometimes it’s easy to forget that amongst all these issues is that there are still millions of people who are afflicted by addiction, but that doesn’t make good news does it?

I was inspired this morning, I was pulling together a recovery story from a lady called Debbie. I was reminded that amongst all the negativity that there is so much magic taking place, that often goes unseen or doesn’t make the headline news, I also wrote this… Its called the Void

The Void

There’s a void, I’m not sure how to fill it

Especially now that you are no longer in it

I have dreamt of this moment and now that it’s here

I’ve changed my mind

“Come back Dad, there’s nothing to fear”


I have finally been released

From fight or flight mode

You’d think I’d be relieved

But I find I’m at a new crossroad


I feel numb inside

There is nothing left

I need to refuel

I need to move on from your death


Your life has ended

But mine still goes on

I can continue to mourn

Or I can learn to move on


I have chosen the latter

I know that’s what you would have wanted

I wish it was that easy

There are times I still feel haunted


In my dreams, I tried to reach you

But you couldn’t see

Locked in your addiction

You just couldn’t find the key


I still bear the scars

They will never go away

But I have learned how to cope

In my own way


My pledge in your death

Is to continue to fight

I will continue to write


I will speak up for others

Including, all the mums, dads, brothers and sisters


The void is still there

I don’t think it will ever go away

But I now have the strength and the courage

To make it through another day

I don’t write for financial reward or gain, I just want to help share my lived experience with others in the hope that it helps. And I just love to write, so if ya fancy getting the occasional email with the most up to date blogs from yours truly, please feel free to subscribe at the bottom of the main page.


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