‘They should have taught us this shit in school, because if they had done maybe I might have spent more time in the classroom instead of standing outside of it’

Discovering myself after Substance Abuse  It wasn’t until 18 months after coming out of the mental institution from drug-induced psychosis that my recovery or discovery journey truly began. That being said, looking back, I didn’t have the time or the appropriate support at the time. I’d recently left a coercive and controlling relationship. I was […]

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If they are your mate they’ll wait

I made some amazing friendships during my using/dealing days but one of the most complex parts in my early recovery was stepping away from some of those friendships. This was made worse by knowing that they weren’t bad people; in fact, it was quite the opposite. They never gave up on me when I fucked […]

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Writing has opened doors within me that I never knew existed

You would think writing a memoir would be easy. After all, you have all the facts, but it’s not, hence why it’s taking so friggin long. I used to put loads of pressure on myself by setting deadlines, especially after someone asked, “when’s the book gonna be ready?”. But I’m learning that my writing cannot be […]

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My problem was never about the drugs, it was me all along

People often ask me ‘how would you describe your recovery journey?’ and I always describe my recovery as being’ like a discovery of the self’. It’s taken a lot of soul searching and self-honesty to be the person that I am today. let me take you back… For years I was preoccupied with trying to […]

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Ever heard of ARBD? (Alcohol-Related Brain Damage)– Nah, me neither

Well that was until recently We are familiar with terms such as intoxication or drunkenness; however, these terms are rarely associated or linked to brain damage. I had heard about Korsakoff syndrome, a chronic memory disorder associated with alcoholism. All the signs were there with dad, but he was never formally diagnosed. Moreover, over the […]

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