There’s a saying that “Home is where the heart is” – But what if your heart is broken?

I recently signed up for a project that Shelter is running. It’s part of World Homeless Day on the 10th of October. It has been years since I found myself homeless, but I wanted to use my lived experience to help others.   There are about eight of us who have been brought together via […]

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Give people recovering from addiction a second chance

When the teachers at school asked me, “what do you want to be when you are older, what career do you want to pursue?” I didn’t have a reply because I didn’t have a scooby doo. All everyone talked about was qualifications this, qualification that! Personally, I didn’t see the relevance. Growing up, money had […]

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It is the best feeling in the world to be able to look back and see just how far you have come.

I try not to dwell on the past for too long. Over the years, I have worked hard at paying attention to the present in preparation for whatever the future may hold. That was until it came to writing this bleeding book. A couple of times, I found myself struggling to piece together fragments of […]

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Hormones and the cycle of change – Part of a woman’s recovery that’s rarely talked about

Most people in recovery have heard Prochaska and DiClemente’s Stages of Change, but what about the monthly cycle. I have spoken to many women whose periods stopped during their using but came back with a vengeance when they started their recovery journey. “I mean as if us women don’t have enough emotional shit to deal […]

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