If they are your mate they’ll wait

I made some amazing friendships during my using/dealing days but one of the most complex parts in my early recovery was stepping away from some of those friendships. This was made worse by knowing that they weren’t bad people; in fact, it was quite the opposite. They never gave up on me when I fucked […]

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Woman She carries the weight of the world on her shoulders But you would never know it She has no time for self-pity She has still so much to do She is more than the label Gifted by society She is more than just a mum Or a shoulder to cry on She is more […]

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Rock bottom

Rock bottom A place for the forgotten It’s renown for being bleak Usually reserved for the lost and weak But I would disagree Rock bottom, Isn’t for the forgotten It’s where people have drawn lines in the sand And decide to take a stand It’s a place to recharge the soul To reassess life goals […]

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