What am I thinking?

  Can you sometimes predict what someone is thinking and have been right Can you sometimes predict how someone is feeling and have been right? Can you sometimes predict a scenario that’s going to happen and have been right? Have you ever predicted what someone was thinking, but was wrong? Have you ever predicted how […]

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I want you to do something for me  Take a quick look back on your life, lets say go back to being around 16 years old or anytime during your teenage years.  Now try to recall how you perceived the life you wanted for yourself at that time? Was it a career? Was it love? […]

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What do you see?

I recall many years ago taking a Neuro-Linguistic Programming test, alternatively known as NLP.  The training had been arranged by work, so all staff had to attend and to be honest at the time I was thinking ‘what a load of cod wallop’. But in fact, a light turned on inside me during that day, well […]

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